
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Freaking Word

No, I didn’t turn gangster.  I’m talking about designing our programs.  In Word.  Microsoft Word that is.

You can probably tell I’m not a fan of the software from the title.

In my head, I’ve always wanted something simple.  We didn’t need anything crazy, or page after page of cheesy love quotes, or even information that everybody already knows (i.e. time, ceremony/reception address).  We didn’t require all this extra info since everything would be taking place at one location, everybody already knows what time to be there since they received an invitation, and let’s face it.  Michael and I are minimalists.  All I figured we would require would be the necessities: bridal party & parental info, the order of the ceremony events, and a small thank you section.  Easy peesy, I should be able to do this myself.

Image Source

Although the above wedding program almost made me think twice about being a minimalist.  It’s so pretty with the burlap and scrapbook paper cover.  If we had been able to solidify our ceremony details sooner then two weeks before the wedding, this probably would have won. But since that didn’t happen, and creating the above would have cost more $$$, taken more time, and added one more large diy to my list.  As well as I work under pressure, I just wasn’t willing to risk it right before the wedding.  And let’s face it, who remembers the programs (freaking rationalism rearing its ugly head once again!)?

Image Source 

So the plain and simple route is the way we will go.  And I was this close to paying someone on Etsy to design the program as a pdf and then I would print it (like the invitations!), but I figured for the $40 they were asking, I could come up with something.  Right? 


Well, after working on it in my spare time for THREE excruciatingly painful weeks, I have finally (FINALLY!!!) finished it.  Can you tell how excited I am?

Now, I’m not going to show you the final product, but I will show you a few things I learned thru trial and error.  I learned how to work the column application as well as format a background picture, which I had never done. 

I highlighted the parts I thought were important.  The thing I found most important was the drop down that I highlighted in yellow.  The two options were either to apply to “the whole document” or “from this point forward”.  Both options became very handy when trying to create different versions of the program.

One of the things I wanted to incorporate was our monogram.  We have used it on a few things already, and I thought it would be good to continue it’s use into the programs for continuity.  After a few trials (and errors), and realizing how important space was, I decided to try and add it as a background.  This was pretty easy actually.  If you insert the picture, right click on it, and select “format the picture” from the selection, the above box pops up.  Selecting the Layout tab will show you the available options for the picture.  I chose the background with text covering the picture.

Selecting the background option moves the picture behind the words, but you also need to select the Layout tab, and then play with the picture coloring to make it light enough so that the words are readable in front of the picture.  I originally selected “grayscale”, but that didn’t make the color light enough, so I had to play with it and I finally chose “washout”.  This made the background picture light enough to see the words on top, but still dark enough to be seen on the paper.

I realize a lot of people probably already know how to do these rudimentary type things in Word, but I didn’t.  I guess I skipped that day in school where these skills were taught.  That’s right Mom and Dad, I skipped!  I guess if this is all I missed out on, I’m still doing pretty well.  Freaking Word.


  1. You know that computer class required in hs.. Ya this is why haha

  2. LMAO! Can't wait to see you!
