
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Being Sweet

Literally and figuratively :)

This weekend I had two showers that took place at opposite ends of Texas.  One was in a small town called Kingsbury, TX and the other was in Dallas. 

See?  Kingsbury is so small its name doesn’t even appear on the map!  Only surrounding cities!

Anyways, like I had talked about before, I still wanted to do something nice.  Maybe even sweet, if you will…..

I had researched a few different things, and finally settled on Cowgirl Cookies.  While the name is a little cheesy, I think the cookies will turn out really amazing.  Especially for all those chocolate lovers out there.

After reviewing the tutorial, I ran to the grocery store and bought the ingredients:

baking powder
baking soda
cooking oats
chocolate chips
brown sugar
white sugar
chopped pecans
*Sorry, I always forget to take pictures.

I dusted off the clear, quart sized mason jars I had already purchased and had been storing in the shed, and layered the dry ingredients as instructed in the tutorial, packing the ingredients as tightly as possible into the jar to make sure it all fit.

Layer 1: 1 1/3 cup flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder & baking soda, ¼ teaspoon salt
Layer 2: 1 cup cooking oats
Layer 3: ¾ cup M&Ms
Layer 4: ¾ cup Chocolate chips
Layer 5: ½ cup brown sugar
Layer 6: ½ cup white sugar
Layer 7: 1/3 – ½ cup chopped pecans

After this, I prettied up the jars by covering the top in some burlap (of course! What’s a project around this house without burlap?), and tied it off with a string of twine and a Thank You tag.  I also included a card with the below instructions to complete the actual baking of the cookies.

Directions for Cowgirl Cookies:
Preheat Oven to 350 degrees.
Stir dry ingredients in a large bowl and add:
1/2 cup butter, (almost melted)
1 slightly beaten egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Stir thoroughly.
Roll into 1 1/2 inch balls & bake for 10 minutes.

Everyone seemed to like them so I think it was a success!  Although it might have been a different story if I had actually baked the cookies for them…..

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